German Language Course

Phonetics Training

In line with the LMU summer language courses we are offering an additional pronunciation training (phonetics) this year. This training is designed to support the general language course(s). 

By taking part in this course you will experience:

  • Improvement of discerning german sounds, sound clusters and prosodic and intonation units 
  • Improvement of pronunciation as key for better communication skills
  • Language level overlapping learning.
  • Intensive and active participation during the entire pronunciation training.
  • Having access to German songs, short texts, sketches, theater pieces.
  • A lot of fun using a wide range of pronunciation exercises.
  • The possibility to create a performance by the participants and the chance of performing it in front of an audience at the end of the summer language course.

The training will be conducted by an experienced language teacher, expert in pronunciation/listening/intonation in a group of no more than 15 people.

Application and Costs:

  • The training costs 50 € extra. The training consists of 6 x 90 minutes.
  • If you are interested in this phonetic training, you can register for it on the general registration form.